THE MAYAS 131 yond all guesswork. But at the present time, we can do little more than determine the dates recorded upon the monuments, buildings and other remains of the remarkable people. No doubt the immense, elaborately carved stelae, or stone monuments, which are so typical of the -rcrr f *• ;i „,— gp^ P 0> C ^A__™j B * 0 sr 0 Figure 14. Mayan culture, were primarily date records, for we know that those at Qmrioigua, Guatemala, were erected at definite periods of five Tuns or years of three hundred and sixty days. But it is fairly well es- tablished that these monuments were also of great re- ligious or ceremonial significance. Many were of enormous size, up to twenty-four feet in height above the earth and four or five feet square, and covered,